So it is more than two years later. A blog about death that died in the pandemic! So meta, much irony, wow. And zombie meme too!
Much has happened in the writers life since the last post. Giving end of life care to my mom, moving from the west coast to the midwest, cultural changes and life changes. Life happens.
There is also the issue of my complete inability to keep to one subject and organization in long form blogging. Way too many squirrels that keep popping up and stealing my focus that are not strictly end of life focused. Most of my writing these days has been heaped upon those hardy souls willing to read my rant de jour on Facebook.
My new goal for this site is to categorize my end of life posts from the much more frequent “whatever is currently up my nose or screaming in my noggin” content and move those long posts here from corporate owned social media.
I have also spent some time threatening a book, but my current thinking is that having an easily accessible and organized blog (the original purpose here) is probably more helpful. Keeping good information easily accessed and not paywalled is really important to me.
Since we moved a year ago to an entirely new place and culture, and have still not found a permanent home to unpack the storage room full of our stuff and my resources, I intend to categorize the content in this blog according to end of live versus other content. At the point I can sit down and FOCUS on organizing and getting the content up and put in some logical framework I will probably return this blog to a dedicated End of Life blog and move my intermittent commentary and thoughts on other subjects to a separate place!
We shall see…plans, mice, men etc.